
GARDEN oracle card 意味一覧

01: fix完成、決定、判断
Completion, decisions and judgements
02: action行動、アクティブ
Action, active.
03: long長時間、ゆっくり
Longer, slower
04: lose way失う、想定と違う
Lose, not as expected.
05: silent静か、休む
Quiet, rest.
06: short短い、早い、即座に
Short, fast, immediate.
07: teacher教える、知識
Teaching, knowledge.
08: wait待つ、止まる
Wait, stop.
09: cross交わる、コミュニケーション
Engage, communicate.
10: gift与える、届ける
Giving and delivering
01: fellow仲間、昔の交友関係
Companions, old friendships.
02: school学校、クラスメイト
School, classmates.
03: parent親、地元、伝承
Parents, locality, lore.
04: lover元恋人、過去の恋
Ex-lovers, past loves.
05: infant生まれ変わる、新天地
Reborn, a new place
06: abilityスキル、武器
Skills, weapons.
07: brother兄弟、同僚、チームメイト
Siblings, colleagues and team-mates
08: friend友人、旧友、幼馴染
Friends, old friends, childhood acquaintances.
09: sickness病、痛み、悲しみ
Illness, pain, grief.
10: money経済、お金
Economy, money
01: cool冷徹、冷める、落ち着く
Cool-headed, chilled, calm.
02: hotやる気、情熱
Motivation, passion
03: split精神分裂、2つの事
Schizophrenia, two things.
04: sad悲しい、寂しさ
Sadness, loneliness
05: anger怒り、奮闘
Anger, struggle
06: happy楽しい、幸せ
Fun, happy
07: glad嬉しい、感謝
Glad and grateful
08: sixth sense直感、勘に優れる
Excellent intuition and intuition
09: lover愛情、恋愛、好意
Affection, love, fondness.
10: nothing無関心、何もない
Indifference, nothing.
01: pressure環境からの圧迫や責任
Environmental pressures and responsibilities
02: alone一人ぼっち
03: unlucky環境から受け取るものがよくない
What they receive from the environment is not good.
04: organization仲間に恵まれる
be blessed with friends
05: addition周りから何かを得る
Get something from your surroundings.
06: beauty環境が綺麗、神聖な場所
Beautiful environment, sacred places.
07: free自由に活動できる場所
A place for free activity
08: lucky一時的なラッキーが降り注ぐ
Temporary lucky falls.
09: decrease周りから何かを奪われる
They take something away from the people around them.
10: control安定した場所、人に動かされている感じ
Stable place, feeling moved by people
01: cloud占いでは見れない内容
What you won't see in fortune-telling
02: once again質問を変えるかもう一度引き直す
Change the question or pull it back again.

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